Signup and Download
This is a guide for how to sign up and play on Glory Destiny Online (known as Spirit Tales in the west) on the Taiwan servers, which are the only remaining legitimate servers left.
- Go to The GDO client download page
- The first section is for the complete client installer download. This is about 4GB is size. Click the left-most button in that section to download it.
- Alternatively, the second section is for the streaming client installer download. This will download a 530MB base game install which will then download the rest of the content from the servers as needed
- Click the left-most button in that section to download it:
Sign up
- Go to the X-Legend card and game registration page
- Step 1:
- This is ostensibly to sign up for a gas card for use with the cash shop, but this is not available outside of Taiwan (and maybe Japan)
- Enter values for the following fields in order as shown below
- Username:
- 6 to 20 characters, only numbers and lowercase letters are allowed.
- This is only for the gas card account (unused outside of Taiwan) and does not appear in-game
- Password:
- 6 to 16 characters, english letters and numbers only
- Password (again):
- To verify you typed it correctly
- Your name:
- Your first and last name (you do not have to use real information for this)
- Identity card number:
- This is apparently only used for cash shop actions, so you can enter any 4 or more digit number
- Cell phone number:
- This is also not used for signing up for GDO, so a fake number can be used.
- If you wish to use your real one, search Google for how to dial from Taiwan to your country
- For example: Taiwan to US is 002 + 1 + area code + phone number, or: 00212125557890 would be how to type 002-1-212-555-7890
- Email address:
- This should be a real one, or at least from a throw-away email address you control, in case you need to recover your password.
- Captcha:
- Rnter the Captcha shown to prove you’re not a bot.
- Click the small blue reload button to get a new one if it is too illegible.
- Check the checkbox to confirm you agree to the terms and conditions
- Click the button to continue
- Page 2
- This is the page where you sign up for the game itself, and it’s tied to the signup information from the previous pa
- Enter the values in order per the image:
- Game:
- The game you want to play
- Glory Destiny Online is the second to last selection in the drop-down list, per the screenshot
- Game account:
- Your sign-in user name, which you will enter on the login screen when you play the game
- Game password:
- Cannot be the same as your password from Step 1
- English letters and numbers only
- Must contain at least 1 upper-case letter
- Password again:
- Verify you typed it correctly
- Application for a "communication lock":
- Select the right-side radio button to NOT apply for a "communications lock". This will cause the rest of the options below it to disappear.
- Click the button to continue
- If you see this page then that means your registration is complete!